Stephen Chang

The Concert

Excitement, exhilaration, nervousness, anxiety.
All feelings felt on a stage
As I look at the audience of different sizes and ages.
From my entrance to my exit,
Thoughts and emotions of all kinds are jumbled in my head,
Making me restless as I try to sit.
But there’s no other place I’d rather be.
Among the first to enter, I feel like the focus of attention
To the hundreds of people before me.
The hall seems to be stretched farther than I can see.
But those feelings soon begin to disappear
As the rest of orchestra slowly files on,
And talk and whisper in each others’ ears
Within the comfort of their section.
It is not long before the stage is flooded in bright light,
While the audience gets dark,
As they fall silent, waiting for our concert to start.
The conductor then makes his grand entrance
Acknowledges the audience,
And shows that the music will soon commence.
Our program begins with the arrival of night.
Slowly, but surely, our pieces get played
And before we know it, the concert is ended,
With such excitement that the energy stays, suspended.
Excitement and exhilaration once again return,
This time accompanied by accomplishment and triumph.
We slowly file out without concern,
Satisfied with the music that was made.


Copyright © 2002-2006 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2006 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.